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Week 20 Results - Final Results

Great night!  We ended up with a Two-peat!  Eric and Matt did it again.  

2022 Champs!

Matt did it while wearing the same hat and shirt.  They must be his lucky ones.  Not sure about the undies  Check out the 2021 pic.

2021 Champs!

Playoff Bracket - The FINAL Results.


Jeff Siedlik takes the final pot all by himself.  Eagle on White #4.  Below is the yearly summary. Jeff and Nick were the big winners.  

2022 Skins Summary



1st Gold

The Dead Hookers (Eric and Matt) take out Jerry and Marty (5.5 to 0.5)

2nd Gold

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry and Marty) - Got 2nd, but still remained the point score leader at 77 points.

3rd Gold

Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt, Jason, and J.T.) beat Barry and Dan to snag 3rd place.

1st Blue

Not Wet Yet (Gary and Clark) snatch the glory from JD and me.

2nd Blue

Parsky & Clutch (J.D. and Chris) 

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jerry Evans  - Jerry was locked in after regular season.  J.T. would have had it if we counted the post season.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Dave Miszuk -  Dave shoots his best round of the year.  Watch out for this guy next year.  He has figured something out.

15 45


Roger Edgar- Roger's hot streak continues with his last round of the year being the best. 

9 41 32

Clark Osborn - Clark kept us out of 1st Place Blue.  This guy was on fire!

11 43 32

Rick Derry - Nice round!  Rick helps take his team to 3rd on the Blur Flight.

10 43 33

Matt Tiarks and Mike Pluta - good rounds

Low Team:

Fish & Chips (Randy and Mizzo)  -  Nice Work!


Week 19 Results - Semi-Finals Week

I think we had some pretty nice weather.  Who knows, I can't remember what I had for dinner last night.

Interesting night.  All the rounds that mattered were a decisive 6-0.  

One kick-ass round by Jerry's favorite sub, Matt Burdette.  Matt shot a scratch round!  Well done!

Playoff Bracket - The FINAL ROUND!.

Down to the final two team in both brackets.  Skins game is still on.


Skins Winners

Gary and Jerry - both eagles.  Gary is tied for 3rd in the overall skins standings.  Jerry is 7th.  I'll post the whole enchilada after next week.  You can find the standings in the Genius. If you dig around a bit.




Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry and Marty) - They were one of the teams to get all 6.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jerry Evans  - Jerry is locked in.  ...and back on top for post-season play.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Matt Burdette -  Scratch round.  Ties his best of the year.  He had another scratch earlier this year.  

3 36


Jerry Evans- One-over scratch for this guy!  Rocked it!  His best round of a great year. 

4 37 33

Chris Horihan - A round with no blow-ups!  Amazing what that does for a score.  2nd best of the year for me.

9 42 33

John Donovan - Nice round!  Ties his best of the year for the fifth time.  Must be JD's favorite number.

9 42 33

Barry Phipps - I didn't look, but I think this is the 2nd time Barry has made the "Hot Sticks" list and lost his two points.  He was playing against Burdette.  Stay proud, my friend!  

4 38 34
Low Team:

Dude Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt B.) and Parsky & Clutch (JD & Chris)  -  No surprise here as we were the top 4 players on the "Hot Sticks"!


Week 18 Results - First Playoff Week

Weather was back to HOT! No breeze to be found either. Not horrible, but got a little uncomfortable from time to time.

Sorry for the screw-up in the scorecard posted to website and setup.  I got in a hurry and did not check my work last week. At least I had emailed out the right version!

Two magnificent rounds, actually there were many really good rounds, but two stood out above the rest.   Matt Weddell and Eric Liudahl both shot a one under! A 35!  Damn good!

Playoff Bracket - see where you are in the playoff.

Down to the final 4 in both brackets.  Good Luck!  If you got kicked to the curb, well, have fun!  Remember, skins game is still on.


Skins Winners

Jeff won one for Jeff, while he was fishing in Canada.  Jeff LaMontagne has now tied Nick for the season high skins winners.




Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry and Marty) - BYE week.  Got 4 points.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jerry Evans  - Jerry is locked in.  Note: JT has the lead now, if it were still on.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Eric Liudahl -  The one-under scratch man.  Said he was angry with himself.  My rounds don't end that well when I am mad at myself.  

2 35


Jason Thiellen- One-over scratch dude.  Rocked it!  His best round of a great year for JT.  

5 37 32

Gary Nabity - Gary posts a good number.  Solid round!

10 43 33

Clark Osborn - Clark's second mention in a row.  Another 46! Ties his best again.  Last week wasn't a fluke. He is on!

13 46 33

Matt Weddell What a round!  His 6th 36 or better this year!  Tremendous year.  

1 35 34
Low Team:

Not Wet Yet (Gary and Clark)  -  No surprise here as they both made the Hot Sticks!


Week 17 Results

Well the weather finally broke and gave us a beautiful night for golf.

There was a little switch-up in the tournament line-up.  Our rookie team, that held the lead of the league for the first four weeks, switched from the Gold to the Blue.  Switching with Matt and Josh who took all 6 against Matt and Jason.  Matt and the Jasons were in first place.  They were overtaken by Jerry and Marty who leap-frogged from 3rd place!

Playoff Bracket

One scratch round this week came from Barry.  His 3rd of the year!


Skins Winners

Bob may have gotten knocked into the Blue Tourney, but he did in style.  Winning another skin and this one is a solo win!  Thanks for the drink!




Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry and Marty) - Coming in hot!  Jumping up the board from 3rd place to get the first week BYE!

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jerry Evans  - Jerry jumps here too.  Takes over the lead as Ruben gets a goose egg from Marty. 

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Barry Phipps -  The scratch dude.  

5 36


Randy Pierce - 2nd 44 is 3 weeks.  He is onto something.  Feel free to skip the 44 this week.

13 44 31

Clark Osborn - Clark wakes up!  Ties his best of the year, which came on week 1.

14 46 32

Roger Edgar - I'll be darned.  Roger continues to improve.  This is his best of the year.  He takes a terrible fall.  Takes a couple weeks off and BAM!  His game is the best ever..

9 42 33

Dan and Mitch- Sweet Rounds!

Low Team:

A-Rods (Barry and Dan)  -  Damn, fine rounds!


Week 16 Results

You guys didn't like to hot this week.  The average net score was 38, 37 if you factor in the subs. However, we did have two incredible rounds from Marty and Jeff L (sub).  Both shot a scratch round.  

Only one last week before the tournament.  Last chance to reach the gold or get that coveted BYE week.


Skins Winners

Four skins!  Ha!  Funny!  Foreskin.  Get it!   Jeff won two skins for Nick.  The guys all pitched in and bought a round where the pot did not cover.  Nothing like winning a skin and losing money...  Thanks!




Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt and the Jason's) - they did not mess around this time.  Got all six.  

Point Score Leader (ave):

Ruben Lopez  - Ruben missed this week as him and Nick played in the Kornhole Pro-Am.  There are five others that could overtake if Ruben doesn't get his two points this week.  This week locks in the winner.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Jeff LaMontagne -  The scratch man.  Jeff's best of the year.

5 36


Marty Furjanic- Marty's second scratch round.  He had one on the first round

4 36 32

Dennis Adams - Second mention in a row.  Tied his best of the year.  His last four rounds are his best four scores.  Rocking it!

11 43 32

Jeff Siedlik - Dude!  Jeff hits the 30's for the first time this year.  He finally scores some points after being kicked from the top of the HNP.  He is one of the five that has a chance to earn it back.

6 39 33

Chris Horihan - Couldn't putt on the soaked greens; however, everything else was working good.

11 44 33
Low Team:

3 Aces (Matt B.(sub) and Jeff L.(sub))  -  These two subs nailed it!  


Week 15 Results

You guys like it hot!  The average net score was under par for the first time this year.  Average net was 35!  Nicely done! 

Only two more regular play weeks before the tournament.  Get your team where it needs to be!


Skin Winners!

Two eagles take the big pot!  Matt with one on four and Jeff hitting one for me!  I understand that some drinks were poured!  Bummed I wasn't there to enjoy it!




Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt and the Jason's) - they got a goose egg, but still stayed on top.  Jerry and Marty took care of themselves and got into 2nd place - 2 points out.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Ruben Lopez  - It just got really tight at the top of this contest.  Only two weeks to declare the winner.  Tournament play does not count.  Check out the far right side of the HNP sheet to see how you are doing.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Rick Derry -  Wow!  Great round!  Love them nets in the 20s.  Rick's best of the year.

11 40


Ruben Lopez - Ruben rocked it!  One over!  His first time in the 30's.

7 37 30

Randy Pierce - Randy finally gets back into form.  Keep it up!

13 44 31

Dennis Adams - Dennis has found his stride.  Good run in the late season.

13 44 31

Marty, Gary, Roger, and Greg (2nd) - great rounds!  We don't see net 32 for the 5th best very often.  

Low Team:

Fish and Chips! (Randy and Brent(sub))  -  These two tied the best low net of the year!  Damn!


Week 14 Results

I think it was another nice night.  I missed out.  Sounds like a scorcher coming up..

Matt Weddell did it again.  Scratch round - straight up 36 gross.  Awesome! 

Every team scored at least a little bit this week.  No 6-0's! 


No skins winners this week.  $230 up for grabs this coming week.




Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt and the Jason's) - my team tried to take down the leaders.  Didn't get it done, but held them to 3.  Nick and Ruben are within reach to steal it back.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Eric Liudahl & Jason Thiellen  - Jeff got knocked off the perch.  That had to be the longest streak for one man.  Eric and JT are tied at the top.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Roger Edgar - Gezz, he gets injured and comes back and gets his game on!  Old man swing must be doing the trick.  His best round of the year.

12 45


Chuck Shanahan - Chuck is coming on strong in this 2nd half of the season.  His best of the year.

13 46 33

Dennis Adams - Dennis does well playing with Barry.  Must be the lubrication.  Come on, I'm talking about the Jager Bombs!  

13 46 33

Tim Hanslik - Timmy Downtown goes low.  

11 45 34

Matt W., Bob, and Greg - great rounds!

Low Team:



Week 13 Results

Another great night.  We got the good night, among some very hot days.

We had two outstanding rounds this week.  They same from the same team and share the same last name.  Matt and Harrison Weddell tore it up with a 35 and 36 gross.  Awesome!  Might be reading about Harrison and Elkhorn North Golf Team soon. 


Skin Wins

Matt and I split it with two net eagles on both par 5's.




Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt and the Jason's) extend the lead after getting all 6 points.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jeff Siedlik - Jeff took another week off.  Average stays the same and nobody caught up with him.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Chris Horihan - Finally shook the slump!  Amazing how good it feels.

11 41


Bob Merkley - 2nd mention in a row with the same score.  Bob was happier than a camel on Wednesday!  

11 42 31

Nick Kelly - Nick took 2 points from Matt, who shot a 35!  That is hard to do.  Nice round!  Nick's first round in the 30's.

6 39 33

Mike Krayneski - Mike's best round of the year.  Same score as his partner.  No wonder they were all smiles!

9 42 33

Matt Weddell - Gross 35, Net 34!  Incredible!

1 35 34
Low Team:

Billy, Billy, Billy! (Bob and Mike) - Lots of low teams out there this week.  These guys did the best!


Week 12 Results

A decent night, weather-wise.  A little steamy, but I think we had a good breeze to keep it nice.  


Skin Wins

Two net eagles for Bob and Jerry.  Mike got a par, nest birdie.  I love cashing in on a par!




Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt and the Jason's) took the lead away from 3-Aces (Nick and Ruben).  They had a good run.  Only down by a half a point.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jeff Siedlik - Jeff got a point and a half and his average does not move.  There are still many breathing down his throat.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Dennis Adams - Magic man!  Best of the year for him and our 2nd 29 of the year.  Nice!

14 43


Bob Merkley - Bob was happier than a tornado in a trailer park!  Ties his best of the year.

11 42 31

Marty Furjanic - Glad he did well this week, since he is going to lay a turd this next week.  :)

5 37 32

Tim Hanslik - Gets better with age.

11 44 33

Matt T., Jerry, and Gary- Sweet!

Low Team:

Molasses Bros. (Dennis and Chuck)- Bam!


Week 11 Results

Man!  I gotta say we are one lucky league.  The rain that was just over the top of us, stopped at exactly the right time!  Ended up being a perfect night  

Speaking of perfect...  Matt Weddell gave us a show.  Two-under (34).  It was amazing to witness.   


Skin Wins

Two Eagles for Fundus.  One for me (I'm on the board), and one for the third Jason (for Headley)!




3-Aces (Nick and Ruben) hang on to the top spot, but it is getting tighter at the top.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jeff Siedlik - Jeff had a nice round, but Jake had a little better one!  The dude is human!  There are many folks in striking range.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Dan Goaley - Did I get this right?  Was Dan here this week?  JK!  Dan had his best round of the year.

6 37


Matt Weddell - Two under with a 2 gives us four under!

2 34 32

Jerry Evans -2nd mention in a row.  2nd 38 in a row.  Nicely Done!

5 38 33

Josh Farris - Good solid round.  The dude would not make a mistake!

8 41 33

Fundus and Popish - Sweet!

Low Team:

Lebowski Urban Achievers (Josh and Matt W.)- Nice!


Week 10 Results

Super windy. If not, it would have been crazy hot. The wind made it tollerable.  

Matt Burdette gave us a scratch round this week. 


Skin Wins

Eagles for Josh, Gary, Rick and Matt B. (for MArty)!




3-Aces (Nick and Ruben) keep their stop spot.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jeff Siedlik - Jeff was gone. No change.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Rick Derry - Great round for Rick. The roller coaster continues.

13 44


Matt Burdette - Scratch! Best round and first one in the 30's for Matt.

4 36 32

Jerry EvansNice round!

5 38 33

Chuck ShanahanCheck's best of the year and first time in the 40's. Chuck is on a roll!

15 48 33
Low Team:

Dude, Whrz the Cart! (Jerry and Matt B.)- Nice!


Week 9 Results - Position Night!

Another Beautiful Night!  

Blessed two golfers with scratch rounds.  Matt Weddell and Eric both shot 36!  Congrats! 


Skin Wins

Lightning struck for Greg, Gary, and Roger!




3-Aces (Nick and Ruben) took out the Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt and Jason).

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jeff Siedlik - Jeff is human!  Throws up all over himself.  He can afford it.  Hangs on to first.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Roger Edgar - Best round for Roger this year - by a long shot.  He's back in action.  Our first net in the 20's.

13 42


Bob Merkley - Throwing it down.  Good round! His best round this year

11 42 31

Eric, Rick, Ruben & Nick (2nd) - Great rounds!

Low Team:

3 Aces (Nick and Ruben) and Billy, Billy, Billy! (Bob & Mike) - Wow!


Week 8 Results - Position Night Coming Up!

The golf gods are blessing us.  One miserably hot week and we hit the lowest temps of the week.  Looks like we might hit it the same way this week.  Love it! 


Skin Wins

Nick strikes again!  He took over for Ruben.  Someone from his team always is in the money.  Half went to Matt Tiarks, who is our 2nd highest winner. I think this coming up week is our last week of the first half.  Reup coming up!




3-Aces (Nick and Ruben) lose their solo spot on top.  Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt, Jason x2) has caught them.  All tied up for Position Night.  Perfect timing.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jeff Siedlik - Jeff is still kicking ass!  Flawless through 6 rounds.  He has a good lead on the field.  Can he hold onto it through the 2nd half...?

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Matt Fundus - Best round for Matt this year.  First time in the 30's.  Nice to see it.

8 39


Jeff Siedlik - 2nd mention in a row.  Unstoppable!

8 41 22

Chuck Shanahan - Chuck ties his best of the year.  Handicap drops two strokes!

17 50 33

Dean Bluml - I bring out the best in folks.  Solid round for Dean.

10 44 34

Nick Kelley - Great round for the big bag of skin(s)!

8 43 35
Low Team:

The Dead Hookers (Eric and Matt) - This round moved them from 6th to 4th.  A team to watch.


Week 7 Results

I was absent and got no report.  You guys are boring...  Well, you did finally get the league average net into the 30's - averaged 37!


Skin Wins

Dean won half for Pat and Mitch for Mitch.




3-Aces (Nick and Ruben) hang onto first, after getting 2 points. Average Sticks is sneaking up.  One point behind.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jeff Siedlik, comes off the bench after an injury and keeps kicking some ass

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Jeff Siedlik - Flawless Jeff.

9 41


Rick Derry - Back in prime form

11 43 32

Gary Nabity - On a roll.  2nd mention and his best of the year.

10 43 33

Matt Tiarks, Jason Headley, Jason Thiellen, and Jerry Evens - Matt's 2nd mention and nice rounds for all.

Low Team:

Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt and JT) & The Bassholes (Rick and Dave) - Awesome, we are getting into the upper 60's.


Week 6 Results

Another great night for golf!

Another 40 average net for the league.

Barry shot a scratch round.


Skin Wins

Three winners.  Matt T. and Ruben both scored an eagle.  Pluta won one for Siedlik with a birdie.




3-Aces (Nick and Ruben) to slide into first by a healthy margin.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jeff Siedlik, who missed yet another round, is still flawless.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Barry Phipps - Barry gets serious and goes low!

4 36


Matt Tiarks - Matt's first round in the 30's!  Nice! 

4 38 34

Nick Kelley - 2nd mention in a row with yet another solid round!

8 43 35

Gary Nabity - Ties his best round for the year!

10 45 35

Mike Pluta - His best round for the year!

10 45 35
Low Team:

A-Rods(Barry and Dan) - 2nd mention in a row for these two!


Week 5 Results

We hit the weather just right.  We caught some really nice weather between the Tuesday night rain and the punishing wind and 95 degree heat on Thursday.  Let's keep it going...

The rounds were interesting this week.  All but one round went 6-0!

As a league, we are still off our games.  Another 40 average net.  Our average handicap went from a 7 to 8.  You cant blame it in the weather this week. :)

There are many exceptions to poor scoring, Matt Weddell being one.  He got his first scratch round of the season!  Sweet!  The eagle on 9 certainly helped.  Barry and Matt are the only ones with eagles thus far.  See how you are doing on the "Player Stats" page on the Portal (golf genius link, on the left).


Skin Wins

Nick got two skins with a birdie on 6 and par on 8 (really).  Gary got his with a birdie on 4.  Matt, with a EAGLE on 9!  Amazing!  




Major turnover at the top.  The rookies, who did not play, got smoked.  The team in 2nd (Roger and Jeff) got smoked.  This allowed 3-Aces (Nick and Ruben) to slide into first by a healthy margin.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jeff Siedlik, who did not play (and won't play this week either), allowed him to stay flawless

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Dan Goaley - Dan gets a 2nd mention in a row too.  Might be a contender for most improved player, if he keeps this up

5 39


Matt Weddell - Awesomeness continues for the eagle-man! 

1 36 35

Nick Kelley - Solid round!

9 44 35
Low Team:

A-Rods(Barry and Dan) - Two under for Dan and even for Barry.  Nicely done!.


Week 4 Results

Boy, can you say "WINDY".  I didn't look it up, but I am sure we had 30+ mph gusts and 25 mph sustained.  It was crazy windy.  At least it was warm.  Better to feel like you are in a huge hair dryer vs. the deep freeze.

As a league, we are sucking it up.  The previous two weeks we a an average net of 39, this week was a 40!  I think that is the worst I have ever seen.  It was a bit windy, but really an average of 4 over.

Skins: There was a subbing error on previous week, falsely boosting Matt's handicap.  After Correction, no skin was won.




Billy, Billy, Billy!(Bob & Mike (Jake)). Bob had Jake helping out this week and they got four points.  That was enough to pull away from Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Marty(Matt B)) got the goose egg.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Still at two with perfect individual scoring.  Jeff Siedlik and Marty Furjanic (absent).  Wow!  For you newbies, check the far right side of the HNP sheet to see how you are doing. 

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net
Dan Goaley - Dan's score keeps notching down.  His best so far. 6 41


Low Team:

Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Tiarks & JT)  -  Okay team round.  Two over - really!  Second mention in a row.


Week 3 Results

Sorry, I wasn't there and nobody told me anything.  I need to appoint a temporary reporter when I am gone.

Skins: NO skins were won!  Good for me... :)




Billy, Billy, Billy!(Bob & Mike). The rookies hang on to the lead, but they have visitors! Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Marty) squared it up.  All tied up at the top.  Now Mike has broken his wrist and will be out for some time.  We will see if the subs can carry the load.  Get well soon, Mike!

Point Score Leader (ave):

Down to two, who have been perfect so far.  Jeff Siedlik and Marty Furjanic.  Wow!  For you newbies, check the HNP sheet

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Jeff Siedlik - 3rd mention in a row!  I feel bad for those that got Jeff early.  The end of year slump is DEFINETLY over.  

9 43


Tiarks, Headley, Fundus, JD, and Ruben - All 35's. 


Low Team:

Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Tiarks & Headley) & Has Anyone Seen Our Balls?  (Roger and Jeff)  -  I just noticed that Roger and Jeff have been in there every week so far.  Three weeks running!


Week 2 Results

Weather was nice.  It was warm enough for shorts and a bit breezy, but nothing comparable to some of the wind we have had lately.  I will take it!

We had another highlighted round this week.  Clint, subbing for Greg, shot a one under!  He is our lone scratch golfer on the sheets.  He will be subbing for Pat for quite a few weeks, as Pat injured his knee.  Gary will also be out for several weeks and a new sub, Dane Vowell, will be filling in for Greg.  Please welcome our "new" team.

Skins: We had another pair of skins awarded this week.  Kevin Boyd, sub for Ruben, got a net eagle on 4.  Bob Merkley got another skin for the rookie team with a net eagle on 5.  Bob and Ruben split the round for the house.  Thanks for the drinks!




Billy, Billy, Billy!(Bob & Mike). The rookies hang on to the lead! They took care of JD and I and got 5 points.  Randy and Mizzo get to take them on next week.

Point Score Leader (ave):

We are down to six (6) individuals that earned all available individual points

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Jeff Siedlik - 2nd mention in a row.  The end of year slump is over.  Handicap is showing it.  Dropped 2 strokes for this week.

11 43


Kevin Boyd - Sub for Ruben got his first sub 40 score on our league.  5 39


Clint Kracl - Mr. Scratch.  It is hard for low handicaps to make the "Hot Sticks".  Clint did it.  Nice round!

0 35


Jason Thiellen - JT rocking his debut!

6 41 35
Low Team:

The GP Group (Pat and Clint (sub)) & Has Anyone Seen Our Balls?  (Roger and Jeff)  -  Four good rounds by a couple great golfers :) 


Week 1 Results

The golf gods were looking down on us this week.  The clouds parted as we were sent to the starting tees and the sun shined down upon us.  Looks like we won't be so lucky with the wind in Week 2.

There were some awesome scores out there.  The league average was a net 37.  There were 2 scratch rounds.  Both Marty and Barry hit the number!

We all need to wish Dan good luck!  He is heading out to meet Steve Harvey and film a "Family Feud" episode.  I am certain it will be a entertaining episode.  I am sure he'll let us know when it is airing. 

Skins: Well, I didn't quite have the skins setup with our new team.  I added them in the following day and Mike had won with a net Eagle on 5.  It was a spilt with Nick (net eagle on 8); however, Jerry had paid Nick the whole pot and Nick graciously bought a round.  Mike agreed to spilt the round and spilt the change with Nick.  Glad my mistake worked out well.  Thanks for the cocktails!




Billy, Billy, Billy! (Bob & Mike). Well the rookies come in and take solo first! They were the only team to earn all 6 points. They are prepared to end the season and take the honors now! Not so quick there! Keep up the good work!

Point Score Leader (PSL):

There are 9 individuals that earned both individual points

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net
Marty Furjanic - Mr Scratch - All pars! 4 36


Jeff Siedlik - My opponent left me in the dust! 12 44


Barry Phipps - Mr. Scratch.  Randy had a career round and still lost to the master.

3 36


Nick Kelley - Rocking it!

8 41 33

Rick Derry - Where did this guy come from!  Nice round.

9 42 33
Low Team:

Has Anyone Seen Our Balls? (Jeff and Jake (sub)) - They both played awesome. Figures that JD and I get the low team.


Yearly Sheets:

Weekly Sheets:

September 7th, 2022
Final Playoff

August 31st, 2022
Semi-Final Playoff

August 24th, 2022
1st Round Playoff

August 17th, 2022
August 10th, 2022
August 3rd, 2022
July 27th, 2022
July 20th, 2022
July 13th, 2022
July 6th, 2022
June 29th, 2022
June 22nd, 2022
June 15th, 2022
June 8th, 2022
June 1st, 2022
May 18th, 2022
May 11th, 2022
May 4th, 2022
April 27th, 2022
April 20th, 2022