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Week 20 Results - Final Results

A tremendous finish to a great year.  Good weather, good rounds, good friends, great sponsor and great food!

A hard fought battle was had.  Eric and Matt prevailed!

 Champs! Eric and Matt



A couple nice holes by a couple nice guys.

Week 20 Skins



Leader(s): The Dead Hookers (Eric & Matt).  Eric and Matt took down Matt and Josh.  They all had great rounds, but Eric had a really good round! 

Lebowski Urban Achievers (Matt & Josh) - Way to be there in the end.

A-Rods (Barry and Dan) - I fell under the spell and gave up 3rd. 3rd

Point Score Leader (PSL):

Barry Phipps - Locked in at end of regular season.  Nice job, Barry!

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp    Gross Net

Eric Liudahl - Second mention in a row.  One Under!  One stroke better than last week.  Actually, his best of the year.  Eric really brought on his game for the playoffs!  Amazing!
3 35 32

Rick Derry - Rick ties his best of the year to earn up the 3rd place spot for the participation side of the tourney. :)
9 43 34

Clint Kracl - I love seeing a zero handicap make the "Hot Sticks".  That is truly some hot sticks!
0 35 35

Matt Weddell - Matt gets in a very good round. Unfortunately he went up against the Eric buzz saw.
2 37 35
Low Team: The Dead Hookers (Eric and Matt) - 3rd mention in a row.  Now, that is how you earn a championship!. 68

Week 19 Results - Semi-Finals

 OMG!  That is how the weather is supposed to be!  Loved it.  Top 15 day! :).  Looks like our final week will be just as nice - knock on wood.

Some great matches, some not so great!  We had one scratch round this week.  Eric Liudahl snuck one in their.  He is sneaky.  He will be always be talking to you about your round and never gives you the chance to even think about his round and, then, BAM!  He shoots a 36!  

The FINAL MATCHES are set!  No big surprises - other than seeing Jerry and Marty rise up out of the depths of hell!



Three good holes.  Jeff birdied number 3 - props there!  Kind of funny, there were a couple scorecards that were not entered.  Jerry wanted to get home to change his drawers.  There were 5 folks on the skins list.  Jerry starts to payout and low and behold, names start dropping off.  Two got tied and left three.    Take a look at the "League Standings" on the Genie.  Two subs have earned the most in skins this year.  Kind of funny - kind of...

Week 19 Skins



Leader(s): The A-Rods (Barry and Dan)  -  Barry and Dan hang on to the score lead, but the Championship is up to Matt & Josh vs. Eric & Matt.  Check out the leaderboard, there are three teams tied for 2nd.  Weird...

Point Score Leader (PSL):

Barry Phipps - Locked in at end of regular season.  Nice job, Barry!

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp    Gross Net

Eric Liudahl - Mr. Sneaky Scratch!  Beautiful round.  Keep up the good work.  Hate playing them college ballers!
3 36 33

Tim Hanzlik - Tim has figured something out.  This is the third mention is a row due to having three weeks in the low 40's.  Lets finish off the year with a sub-40.
9 43 34

Matt W., Jerry, Barry, Gary, and Greg - Lots of 35's this week.  Nice shooting!
2 37 35
Low Team: The Dead Hookers (Eric and Matt) - 2nd mention in a row.  Strong round!  Well done!  It was a privilege. 69

Week 18 Results - First Week of Playoffs

Weather was, again, on the warm side.  I am done with this humidity... but Mother Nature is not!.

The first week of the playoffs is done!  The FINAL FOUR are set.  We did have a tie in one of the rounds.  It is in the rules that I find the last time those two teams played and the victor of that round takes the honors.



Three good holes, give us three good winners.  Two weeks in a row for Josh. 

Week 18 Skins



Leader(s): The A-Rods (Barry and Dan)  -  The bye week and they are still on cruise control.

Point Score Leader (PSL):

Barry Phipps - Locked in at end of regular season.  Nice job, Barry!

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp    Gross Net

Matt Fundus - Strong showing for Matt as he ties his best of the year.
6 38 32

Roger Edgar - Roger's last round of the year and he gets his best round.  Nicely done!
9 42 33

Clark Osborn - Clark started this year on fire and it looks like he is going to end it in the same fashion.
He ties his best round of the year, which was last week.  Second mention in a row.
10 43 33

Tim Hanzlik - Tim is also on fire.  Second mention in a row.  Tim and Clark were playing against each other.  That must have been a great round.
11 44 33

Rick Derry - Rick ties his best of the year.  Well done!
9 43 34
Low Team: The Dead Hookers (Eric and Matt) - Both under par.  Good exhibition for the playoffs 67

Week 17 Results - First Week of Playoffs Coming Up!

Weather was on the warm side, but a good breeze made it not so bad, almost good.

Matt Weddell and Clint (sub for Marty) post scratch rounds!

The playoff is on!  Moderate luck to you all.  There was not much of a shake up in the final regular round.  Just a swap at 7 & 8.  Fish and Chips make it to the Gold.  Maybe their first time ever.  3 Aces heads to the Blue.



Wowzers!  Five holes went down.  Weird!   This has to be the most winners in one night.  Not sure what happened in the clubhouse.  Jerry had to be pulling his hair out.  :)

Week 17 Skins



Leader(s): The A-Rods (Barry and Dan)  -  The A-Rods get 3.5 points and hang on to the top spot.  In hindsight, they would have had to got zero to have lost the top spot to Parsky & Clutch.  The A-Rods earn the coveted "bye" for the first week of the playoffs. 

Point Score Leader (PSL):

Barry Phipps - Got a point and a half and secured the first prize money to be collected at our banquet.  Nice job, Barry!

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp    Gross Net

Tim Hanzlik - Tim must have had a good yoga session before showing up.  This was his best of the year by a fair margin.  Nice work!
12 42 30

Clark Osborn -  Clark also gets his best of the year.  Sweetness!
10 43 33

Barry Phipps - Barry turns it on to ensure his name is plastered all over the place.
3 38 35

Ruben Lopez - Ruben ties his best round of the year, again.  It was his fifth time shooting a 42.  Unbelievable that he did not get a skin.  Ruben always gets a skin when he shoots well.  Next time.
7 42 35
Low Team: Not Wet Yet (Clark and Gary) - These two have had this spot several times.  Watch out for these guys next year.  They will be chasing the gold! 69

Week 16 Results

Another HOT one.  Not horrible.

Matt Weddell and Clint (sub for Marty) post scratch rounds!

This is it, boys!  The last week of regular play.  There is plenty of room for some shifting around.  The top 3 teams are battling for, that much sought after, "bye" round for the first round of the playoff.  4th through 10th are trying to hold Gold or trying to get in it!  Anything could happen here.  11-14 - enjoy your round...  Just kidding.  Be the spoiler.  Knock someone out - shake it up. 


Some great holes for those listed below.  All birdie, net eagles.  Nice work.  Thanks for treating those that stuck around to some cocktails.

Week 15 Skins 



Leader(s): The A-Rods (Barry and Dan)  -  The A-Rods got their 6 points and the Dirty Ballers only got 2 points.  Barry couldn't be happier.  It'll take some luck to catch them, but the Dirty birds and Parsky and Clutch have a chance.

Point Score Leader (PSL):

Barry Phipps - Got his 2 and improved his average.  I, somehow, slipped into 2nd place.  I did the match.  Barry only needs a half point to lock it in.  If he gets a goose egg and I get 2 points, we will be tied and share the honors.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp    Gross Net

Randy Pierce - Randy gets his best round EVER!  His name is all over the place this week.  Keep up the good work!
10 41 31

Jeff Weis - Jeff shoots a good, solid round.  Jeff is on Randy's team and there is no guessing who got the low team.
14 47 33

Matt, Kevin, JT, and Roger - Awesome rounds!.
2 36 34
Low Team: Fish and Chips (Randy and Jeff) - The two top Hot Sticks made for another ass whooping for Jerry (38) and Clint (scratch sub) 67

 Week 15 Results

Much better weather  I am not sure what it was, but scores showed it.  Last week, I could not fill the "Hot Sticks" list.  This week there are 12 folks that were under par, net.  I only post the top 5 and ties.  The league average reflected it too.  We averaged a 36 net.  This is the best we have done and it is the third time we hit 36.

The points scored this week are interesting.  All but one round went 4-2.  Clark and Gary were the only team to get 6 points.  Almost pulled them out of the cellar - almost.

We had two folks under par with their gross score.  Jason Headley and Clint (sub for Marty) both throw out a 35 - gross.  Awesome! 

There are 2 weeks of the regular season  If you look at the leaderboard, it seems that we are in clumps of three.  Although it would be easy to jump into the group below you or above.


Man-o-man!  Some great skins.  I had two monster putts on #9, and then again on #3 for the finish.  I did not pace them off, but both putts had to be around 40 feet!  Drinks were a flowing!

Skins - Week 15



Leader(s): Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt, Jason, and JT)  - The dirty balls took the lead back again.  Parsky and Clutch gave up four to the A-Rods.  The A-Rods took us out and took 2nd.  Easy come, easy go as Parsky & Clutch go from 4th to 1st and now to 3rd.

Point Score Leader (PSL):

Barry Phipps - Got his 2 and passed up Matt Tiarks.  Matt got the goose egg, but is still very close.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp    Gross Net

Gary Nabity - Gary had a career round.  Beat his best of the season by 4 and got in the sub-40s for the first time.
9 39 30

Chuck Shanahan - Chuck got his best round of the season by 5 strokes.  Give me what he is drinking!
14 44 30

Jason Headley - Jason also got his best round of the season. One under gross score - Way to go!
4 35 31

Chris Horihan - I, too, got my best of the season.  Second time sub-40!  I even dumped one in the lake.  Putting and some lucky long irons made the difference.
7 38 31

Jeff Siedlik - Jeff gets his best also.  Coming off a few "not-so-good" rounds.  Jeff needs his proper warm ups at the 'fall to score low.
9 41 32
Low Team: Not Wet Yet  (Gary & Clark) - Gary's stellar round and Clark hanging in there got them the props for low team.  They beat their opponents by 12 points! 67

Week 14 Results

Hot, Hot Hot!  Actually, it wasn't as horrible as everyone was thinking.  We had a good breeze and Great White has a decent amount of trees.  Looks like we will get a really nice day this next week.

The heat may have made of difference in the "Hot Sticks" as only two individuals get named.  However, the league average was not too bad at 38.


Jerry takes it all with a birdie/ net eagle on number 8.  If you looked early, Tim was in there too, but I needed to adjust Harrison's handicap and he ended up getting a stroke on that hole and tied Tim.



Leader(s): Parsky and Clutch (JD & Chris)  - Coming from 4th place last week, we were able leapfrog 3 teams to jump up to 1st!!!  We were 5 points out of first last week. Very tight at the top with 3 regular season rounds left before the playoff.

Point Score Leader (PSL):

Matt Tiarks -  Did not play this week and nobody caught him..

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp    Gross Net

Clark Osborn - Clark goes low. 
10 44 34

Jeff LaMontagne - Another good one for Jeff.  This was his 3rd 38 in a row.
3 38 35
Low Team: Parsky and Clutch (Jeff LaMon & Chris) - Not too impressive of a net, but good enough to be the best week!  2nd mention in a row. 72

Week 13 Results

Awesome Day!  We beat the heat by one day.  We had a decent breeze and a cool buzz!  Lucky this week.  Next week not so lucky!  Might break 100 - straight up!

Jerry and Marty had a quite notable round.  They both shot a scratch round!  I think this is a first.  I can't believe you were not bragging that up as much as I was about my round! 

Lots of low rounds this week.  You needed a 32 net to make it into the "Hot Sticks".  There were also some not too good of rounds and the league average was a 37, which is where we usually land.


3-way tie.  Chuck tosses in a shocker!  Jeff wins one for JD! and Ruben always wins.  The three of them, two not present, pony up the winnings and buy the bar a round!  Thanks guys!




Leader(s): Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt, Jason, and JT) They got smoked AGAIN this week.  This time the Molasses Bros got their sticky fingers all over them.  Only scored two points, but still maintain the lead. The Dead Hookers did worse and they are three behind. Things are tightening up at the top.  It could get interesting.

Point Score Leader (PSL):

Matt Tiarks -  Matt gets 0 and has enough lead to keep the top spot.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp    Gross Net

Chris Horihan - 2nd mention in a row -  As you all heard, cause I was shouting it in the streets.  I got into the sub 40's!  I checked out the archives.  My best round since the 2018 season.  Can you say overdue!?! Love this game! 
9 39 30

Marty Furjanic - 2nd mention in a row - Scratch round!  Marty's best of the year.  Nicely done!
4 36 32

Dan Goaley - 3rd mention in a row -  This boy is hot!  2nd sub-40 round.  Sweetness!
6 38 32

Dennis Adams - Best round of the year for Dennis.  He is getting that handicap down there.
8 40 32

Greg Haer - Greg also found his best round of the year.  Keep it up!
10 42 32
Low Team: Parsky and Clutch (Jeff LaMon & Chris) - 2nd in a row and Dude Whrz the Cart (Jerry and Marty - All great rounds by some great guys :) 65 ties the lowest of the year (Week 6, Eric and Matt) 65

 Week 12 Results

Pretty nice day.  Humid, but not as hot - I'll take it.

Get your skins money into Jerry if you have not already.  We had many winners this past week. 





Leader(s): Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt, Jason, and JT) They got smoked by Fish and Chips (4-2), but still maintain the lead. The Dead Hookers are only two behind.  Eric is out and Headley is subbing.  Can you say conflict of interest....;)

Point Score Leader (PSL):

Matt Tiarks -  Matt gets 2 and betters his average, again.  Josh "The Heat Miser"  Farris got the goose egg..

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp    Gross Net

Jeff Weis - The rookie is coming into his own. His handicap is reflecting that fact.  He dropped from a 15 to a 12!
15 46 31

Mike Pluta - Mike rocks it!  It just happened to be the week he wasn't playing with me... :)
9 42 33

Chris Horihan - Yeah me!  My best round of the year.  That was fun!  Lets do it again.
9 42 33

Pat Walsh - Pat is back!  SCRATCH ROUND!  Good to see that Pat is all healed up.  Maybe his smell is not quite right, but he can swing it.
2 36 34
Eric (again), Marty, Dan (again), and Rick (again) 34
Low Team: Parsky and Clutch (Jeff LaMon & Chris) Two good rounds!  I have to mention that Jeff lost two balls on hole #4 and then all birdies and pars for his 38!  Impressive! 68

Week 11 Results

 It was an awesome day.  Stayed cloudy for most of the day and that held the temps down.  Felt like some of that late spring weather that we never got when we went straight from the 60's to the 90's.

Many subs this week.  There were six (6) subs and one "no show".  It wasn't the weather keeping them away.  Subs were at a premium...

Skins:   Matt Weddell with a natural birdie on White #4.  Solo skins so he gets the whole pot.  Not sure what the pot is, due to it being the start of the 2nd half.  We will find out shortly. 



Leader(s): Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt, Jason, and JT) They got 4 and maintain their lead.

Point Score Leader (PSL):

Matt Tiarks and Josh Farris in a tie.  Matt gets 2 and betters his average.  Josh Farris also got his two and his average caught up.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp    Gross Net

Josh Farris - Josh took a week off of being listed on the "Hot Sticks" and then comes back this week with his first sub-40 and his best of the year!  Give me some of what your smoking'!
6 38 32

Jeff LaMontagne - Playing for the wrong team, Jeff hits his best of the year with a one over.  It was sure fun to watch.  I bring out the best in 'em!
3 37 34

Dan Goaley - After a couple weeks off, Dan bring the game back in order and scores low!
6 40 34

Matt Tiarks - 2nd mention in a row.  Subbing for Mizzo, this guy has got it going.  Nice consistent low scores.  Keep up the good work, NOT!!! :)
4 39 35

Eric (again), Rick, Greg, and Randy - All nice rounds!
Low Team: Lebowski Urban Achievers  (Matt & Josh) These two are on a roll.  Working their way up the leaderboard.  In 2nd and not looking back. 68

 Week 10 Results

 It was a bit warm, but fairly pleasant...

Skins:   Marty Furjanic on Red #9.  He was the only skin and the only birdie, net eagle.  He took the whole kit-and-caboodle and treated everyone to a cocktail.  Thanks Marty!



Leader(s): Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt, Jason, and JT) They got 5.5 vs. the Bassholes and extended their lead.  They are pulling away from the pack.

Point Score Leader (PSL):

Matt Tiarks gets 1.5 and betters his average.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp    Gross Net

Jeff Weis - Jeff breaks through the rookie jitters and gets this first round that he is worthy of...
15 44 29

Eric Liudahl - Eric is worthy of many things...  a scratch round, not yet - but hold on to your horses.
4 37 33

Matt Tiarks - Matt ties his best round and is in chase of that coveted scratch round too. Nice work!
4 37 33

Matt F., Jason H. (again), Jeff S., Dave, and Chuck (again) - You guys all rock!
Low Team:
Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt & Jason) and The Dead Hookers (Eric and Matt) split the honors

Week 9 Results - Position Night!

 It was a bit warm this week, but at least there was a stiff breeze...

Skins:   Jason Headley on Blue #5.  He had his longest drive ever on that hole.  Then, from 80 yards out, hits a great shot that lands short, runs up to the hole and drops in as it was about to slow to a stop.  Beautiful!  He scored an eagle, net double eagle.  He won the whole pot and spent it all, and then some.  He bought a round for half the bar.  It did feel like a hole-in-one.



Leader(s): Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt, Jason, and JT) Matt and Headley took out their ugly sticks and beat me and Pluta with them at will.  It is hard to compete against a scratch round.

Point Score Leader (PSL):

Matt Tiarks gets his two and takes the lead from Shapland.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp    Gross Net

Jason Headley - Jason was Mister Smooth out there.  Good game all around.  Putting like a madman.  His first sub-40 round and the first scratch round for the league in several weeks.
5 36 31

Josh Farris - Josh's 3rd mention in a row!  ...and his handicap is showing it.  Dropped 2 this week.  Let's get the 4 in a row!!!
7 41 34

Chris Horihan - As I mentioned it is hard to compete against a scratch round.  I was so busy watching Jason that I didn't even know how I was doing.  I was hoping to be sub-50 and then added it up and I was in the lower 40's.  Yea me!
10 44 34

Jerry, Ruben, Gary, Clark and Chuck - Nice rounds!
Low Team:
Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt & Jason) Jason carried the day... and Matt :)

 Week 8 Results - Position Night This Week!

I must be getting used to the heat.  It wasn't too bad this last Wednesday.  Hopefully, humidity stays down for tomorrow.

Pat is back this week!  The party can begin!

The BLOG!  I don't know why I haven't been doing this all along.  Someone called my write-up a blog and then I thought that the write-up goes away every week.  I always wanted the previous weeks to be discoverable.  A blog format is perfect, I will just let it roll.  So if you are looking for history, just scroll down.   It screwed up my format as I was trying to clean up the code.  That'll teach me.

Skins:   Josh Farris won it all on #3.  Our last hole.  Jerry and Marty were watching as they just finished their round.  Josh puts it on the green with at least a 30 footer.  He tells Jerry and Marty that this is going in without batting an eye.  Then steps up and bangs it in!  It was awesome!  I said that if you win the skins, you owe me a drink!  He won and bought me a double!  Thank, Josh!



Leader(s): Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt, Jason, and JT) get four points vs.  Parsky and Clutch's only 3.5 points

Point Score Leader (PSL):

Dave Shapland gets his two and takes the lead from Matt T.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp    Gross Net

Dave Shapland - Dave continues to impress.  He gets his best of the year.
11 42 31

Mike Pluta - Mike performs well as "Parsky" and gets his best of the year.  This guy can bomb it!
9 41 32

Josh Farris - Josh made it look easy as he just walked all over me on his way to tie his best round in a row.  Two mentions in a row.
7 40 33

Dean Bluml - Dean gets his 2nd mention in a row and his best round of the year.
9 42 33

Troy Poledna - Coming off injured reserve, Troy rocks it!
15 48 33
Low Team: The Bassholes - Rick and Dave.  Dave again...! 67

Week 7 Results

Hot! Hot! Hot!  - Looks like another scorcher this week.  Perhaps back to normal for Week 9.

Skins:   Four great holes for four great individuals!  (if I do say so myself).  The scores got in the Genius and Jerry was in the Clubhouse with the cash.  He handed it out and I beat feet to another engagement.  Apparently we all bought shots to celebrate - Jerry told me so...

Week 7 Skins



Leader(s): Holey smokes!  The 4th and 5th place team leapfrog all the way to FIRST place.  Amazing!  I knew the top was tight, but that is a big shift.  More shifts can come as there is only 4.5 points between 1st and 7th place, and Position Night is coming the week after this Wednesday.  1st place is Parsky and Clutch (Chris & JD) and Average Sticks and Dirty Balls (Matt, Jason, and JT)

Point Score Leader (PSL):

No more ties.  Matt Tiarks got his two points and takes the solo lead.   Dave Shapland and Ruben Lopez only got a half point and drop back.  Clark is sneaking up to make a move.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp    Gross Net

Josh Farris - Sweet round!  Best round of the year for Josh.  Almost in the 30's.  Coming up.
7 40 33

Dennis Adams - Dennis got his best of the year too.  Awesome job.  Nice steady improvement!
10 43 33

Matt Weddell, Jerry Evans, Gary Nabity, and Dean Bluml - All terrific rounds
Low Team: Lebowski Urban Achievers (Matt and Josh) - You the men! 68


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National Weather Service Forecast

Gretna Weather Page

Drop Areas:
If your tee shot on either of the holes below is played into the water, you can use the options available under the Water Hazard Rules or use the indicated drop areas.

Hole Drop Area

#3 on Mako
(Red Course)

Drop no closer to hole than the 200 yards.
#4 on Hammerhead (Blue Course) Drop Area is the Red Tee Box
(keep your pants on and "No, you may not tee it up")
Score Cards 101:

We have two player teams. Write down the visiting team's lowest handicap's name, then the home teams lowest handicap's name. Then do the same for the highest handicaps. If your two players are tied, you make the call before teeing off the first hole. Please write the first and last name for all subs. If they are a new sub, please note that too. After the line-up, all I care about is that you circle the gross hole score of the player who wins the hole (match play) and your total gross score. That is all that is required.

To figure the handicap holes for match play (the hole you give or take strokes), figure the difference of your handicap and your opponent's handicap. Then the higher handicap gets a stroke on that many holes. They get the strokes on the hardest handicapped holes. The handicap for the holes is indicated on the scorecard. The lower the number, the harder the hole. No more than one stroke is given per hole. Nine is our league maximum of stroke for Match Play.

That is all that is required. My software will calculate everything else. I certainly do not mind if you figure out all the points. It allows me to double check the data entry. If you would like a live tutorial, please ask. It only takes a minute, so please ask.