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Week 19 Results - 2nd Round Playoffs

The second round of playoffs is complete. The final round is setup. The past week was a bit warm, but still tolerable. Scores were a touch higher. The league averaged a 38 net.

We had two great rounds. Matt Burdette got his second one under par! Jason Thiellen got his first scratch round!  They both led their teams to the championship round.

This was an interesting week. All rounds, except one, ended up in six point win. The one that was not a 6-0, ended with some drama. I think this was the first time that we had a penalty assessed post-round. Let's not make a habit of it. Greg Haer got a penalty stroke for, allegedly, not marking his ball on the putting green. There was some controversy, but Greg eventually took the penalty under protest. This did take the Grean Team out of contention for the Blue Championship round.

Matt W & JT take on Jerry and Burd for the League Champs!  

JD and me take on Barry and Dan for the League Chumps!


JT and Pluta strike it rich this week!

Week 19 Skins



1st Place

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt) - Jerry and Burd remain at the top.  Not that it really matters.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Mike Krayneski - Mike is locked in as the PSL champ.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Jason Thiellen - Jason's scratch round was his best of the year!  He has been flirting with this all year long.  He saved the best for last. 

4 36 32

Mike Pluta -  2nd time in the 30's.  Wonderful round!

11 43 32

Matt Burdette -  One under! Amazing.  Second one Burd has posted. 

2 35 33

Dave Miszuk - Just getting warmed up!

15 48 33

Jason H., Jeff, & Barry- Solid rounds!

Low Team:

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt)  - This is how you make it to a championship round.


Week 18 Results - 1st Round Playoffs

We got our first round of the end of season tournament in the books.  Eight teams are still in the hunt.  Six are out. 

The weather was a bit warmish, but still not bad for August. We averaged a 37 net overall for the league.

Jerry did it again. Jerry had a scratch round!  Last week was one under.  He is getting hot at the right time.  Too bad he will have Jeff playing for him this upcoming week. Jerry was not alone.  Barry finally came alive and got himself a one under!  His last highlight came on Week 1.    


Some nice holes for skins listed below.

Week 18 Skins



1st Place

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt) - Jerry and Burd earned back the top spot.  Not that it really matters.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Mike Krayneski - Mike is locked in as the PSL champ.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Barry Phipps - Barry got his best of the year with this one under round!  Sweetness! 

4 35 31

Greg Haer -  3rd mention in a row!  This is Greg's best round of the year.  Keep on shining!

11 43 32

Jerry Evans -  Jerry's 2nd mention in a row and the 2nd at scratch or better.  Wow!

3 36 33

John Donavan - JD gets his best round as well.  Impressive round!  

8 41 33

Clark Osborn- Most excellent round!

10 43 33
Low Team:

JBOMBS! (Barry & Dan) - A couple great rounds!


Week 17 Results - The Stage is Set!

The final regular season round is in the books and that sets the stage for our three-week single-elimination playoff tournament. Did you make the Gold tourney or are you playing for participation points? So, clean up those clubs, break out the new balls and glove and let the grind begin!

This last week was a tad warm and some storms were looming.  We got a few sprinkles, but no bone-soaking rains.  The lightning stayed off to the north, far enough that we were able to get the round in.  The skies cut loose an hour or so after we finished. 

The conditions might have led to some higher scores.  We averaged a 37 net overall. Still, pretty damn good.

Jerry was the hero this week with his best of the year and tied the best round of all players for the year. Eight pars and a birdie on #1 for a one under!  Wow!


Gary and Rick get it done this week.  Gary leapfrogs his way into 2nd for the season earnings for this year. 

Week 17 Skins



1st Place

The Bullcats (Matt & Jason T.) - Jerry and Burd won, but it is not good enough to hold off the Bullcats.  Matt and J.T. had easy pickings to get 5.5.  They earn the "bye" for the first round of the tourney.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Mike Krayneski - gets his 2 points and finishes strong.  Great sophomore year for Mike.  Very impressive.  This locks this in for Mike, as this is declared with the end of the regular season.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Gary Nabity- What a story here.  Gary has back surgery. Misses the first eight weeks of the season.  Comes back and quickly gets his game back and then some!  His handicap is back to where it was at week 1!  Too boot, he has won $215 in skins! 

8 38 30

Jerry Evans -  Damn!  One under scratch!  Well done, well done!

3 35 32

Matt Fundus - Matt's 3rd mention in a row.  Tying his best of the year.  He has been on a heater!  Can he keep it going for three more weeks. 

6 38 32

Rick Derry - WooHoo! Ricky gets his best of the season so far.  So far...

9 42 33

Greg Haer - 2nd mention and 2nd 45 is a row. Strong finish for this man.  Jolly good!

12 45 33
Low Team:

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Burd) - The right stuff!


Week 16 Results

We got us another great day!  Early August awesomeness.

Tied our best again this week.  36 Net for the regular players, 35 for the subs, and 36 overall.  The Hot Sticks show it as the 34 & 35 nets get left out. 

Jason Moores (sub) had one incredible round this week.  He shot a scratch round, 36.  He didn't have a handicap, so 36 net, as well. He was a 4 when he subbed for us the year before last. 

This next week is the LAST WEEK of regular play and then we are locked into the GOLD or BLUE tourneys.  Check out the latest "Weekly Sheet" to see where your team currently sits.  Things are still pretty tight and there could be some shake up in the ranking in one week.


I had a great round this week and got THREE skins!  I think that is the most ever won in one week.  Ruben and Mike also had great rounds and got a skin as well.

Week 16 Skins



1st Place

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt)- J.D. and I tried our best, but could only manage to get 5 points.  We ate into most of their lead, but still hang onto first by one point to 3 Aces and The Bullcats.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Mike Krayneski gets 1.5 and improves his average.  This contest is locked in with the end of the regular season.  JT and Nick are the only players that could overtake Mike, if he would falter next week.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Dave Miszuk - Smoked it!  Mizzo's personal best this year.

15 45 30

Dave Nikunen -  Good pick for a sub. He's played 5 times and this was his best and first in the 30's.

6 38 32

Ruben Lopez - Ruben ties his best of the year with this great round.

8 40 32

Matt Fundus, Greg Haer, & Steve Persigehl - All fantastic rounds.

Low Team:

Three Aces - Ruben and Dave N (sub) went low this week. 


July 31st Cancelled - Storms! 

The weather was a bit ominous looking as we were getting the golf carts loaded up, Tiburon finally made the call to cancel.  Thanks to Nick for helping matt along. Many of us adjourned to the Waterfall.  Not much water fell, but the poles holding up the driving range nets did!  

Driving Range Damage at Waterfall

That SUV is on 2 wheels!  Dean's car was the third car in the row. He got a bunch of dudes to lift the pole and he got out of there. Moon roof was smashed, but not Dean's spirit!

Driving Range Damage at Waterfall

This pickup was lucky. It should have been smashed.  Before anyone knew how bad the storm was, the top of the pole hit the bar's roof (parapet wall) and shook the whole bar.  Scared the shit out of everyone!

Week 15 Results

The weather was a little warm and a breeze was hard to come by, but still it was not too bad.  The forecast for July 31st looks like a doozy!

The league scored a net 37 average again.

Only 2 WEEKS of regular play and then we are locked into the GOLD or BLUE tourneys.  Check out the latest "Weekly Sheet" to see where your team currently sits.  Anything is possible at this point.  The rankings are tight!


3 Aces takes all the loot this week.   

Week 15 Skins



1st Place

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt)- They lost all but 1.5 points, but still hang onto the lead.  The buffer is all but gone and NET5 is breathing down their necks.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Mike Krayneski gets his two points and betters his average.  

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Nick Kelley - Nick does it again!    He finds the 30s for the 2nd time.  Heck, it is his 2nd time under 45.  He was playing incredible!  

10 39 29

Matt Fundus -  Matt finds the 30's for the first time this year.  I suspect it wont be the last. Well done!

7 38 31

Jason Thiellen - JT goes low and ties his best of the year!  Just one off that scratch round.  Go get it!

4 37 33

John Donovan- JD's first time on the "Hot Sticks" since Week 1.  Unfortunately, he was playing Nick and didn't earn us any points!   

9 42 33

Chuck Shanahan - Chuck has a great evening.  The 40's are starting to become the norm.  Keep it up!

15 48 33
Low Team:

3 Aces - Nick and Ruben are one off the season's best low team.  They both had wonderful rounds.  It was a sight to see!


Week 14 Results

The golf gods shined upon us once more.  Sweet weather to be had!

The league scored pretty well.  Net 37 average.  There was one awesome round.  Matt Burdette scored one under, 35!  Surprisingly, he got tied out on all his skins.   


We spread the wealth this week.  Gary took home some cash two weeks in a row.  

Week 14 Skins



1st Place

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt)- They are out there with quite a buffer.  With 3 regular rounds left, they could have the first Bye locked.  Perhaps...

Point Score Leader (ave):

Mike Krayneski takes over as the PSL!

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Matt Burdette - One under!  Amazing round.  

3 35 32

Dennis Adams -  Dennis gets his low round of the year.  Nice to have him back from North Platte.

11 44 33

Chris Horihan - I was playing against Dean (below) and we tied across the board.  It was so fun!  I had some of my personal best drives on several holes.  So fun!

6 40 34

Dean Bluml - Dean's approaches were without reproach.  Is was an amazing round to watch.  Dean's 2nd mention in a row.

10 44 34

Gary Nabity - Yep, Gary's back is back!  Gary's 2nd mention in a row. 

9 43 34
Low Team:

The Grean Team, Not Wet Yet! &  Dude Whrz the Cart? - All decent low team nets


Week 13 Results

Another great day!  We caught one of the last nice days before the heat came on.  

Great week for scoring.  The net average was 36 for the regular players and overall..  


Two skins earned, but the same guy won them both.  Gary had a great round and two incredible holes!

Week 13 Skins



1st Place

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt)- give up 5.5, but that just cut slightly into their buffer.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jerry Evans got a goose egg, but held this lead too.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Gary Nabity - Gary's back is back!  Good to see.  Nice round in the 30's.  The only person that could avoid the Randy buzzsaw.

10 38 28

Dan Goaley -  Dan's best this year and first time n the 30's.  Great round!

6 38 32

Randy Pierce - Randy has figured something out and continues his great rounds. 4th time in the 40's and 4th time in a row being on the "Hot Sticks".  I think that is a first.  His handicap has drop 4 strokes in those 4 weeks.  Go for 5!

13 45 32

Barry Phipps, Matt Fundus, & Dean Bluml, - Good shooting!

Low Team:

JBOMBS!. (Barry & Dan) - Both on the Hot Sticks. Clark didn't help Gary's cause.


Week 12 Results

We continued our great weather streak.   

Pretty good week for scoring.  The net average was 37 across the board.  


Three skins.  Randy's first, Clark's second, and Jason's third. 

Week 12 Skins



1st Place

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt)- The dudes won their round and preserve the top spot.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Jerry Evans got his two and took over the PSL

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Chuck Shanahan - Lightning strikes twice!  Chuck got his 2nd in the 40's this year and it tied his previous best. 

15 44 29

Randy Pierce - This dude is continues his HOTNESS!  3rd mention a row.  3rd time in the 40's. 

14 46 33

Jason Headley - One off of a scratch round!  Ties his best of the year.

4 37 33

Clark Osborn - Clark goes low!

10 43 33

Jeff  LaMontagne- Jeff was also one stroke away from a scratch round.  Nice!  

3 37 34
Low Team:

Molasses Bros. (Chuck & Dennis) - Hard to beat Chuck out with that 29!  Nice rounds!


Week 11 Results

We slipped in another great night for weather!   

The cooler weather did not cool off the game play!  The regular league players, again, averaged a 36 net!  That ties the best of the year.  When factoring in the subs, we averaged a 37 net, again.  That ties our entire league average.  

There was one notable round.  Eric shot a one under, 35!  Congrats!    


Four holes were won among three golfers.  Despite Pluta's amazing year of great play, this is his first skin, or "skins", in his case.  This is also Nick's first skin.  It was also Nick's first decent round of golf.  ;)  Tim is no stranger.  He is in 3rd place overall in skins and has been in the money for three of the last four weeks.  Damn dude!

Week 11 Skins



1st Place

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt)- The dudes faltered, earning one point, but had plenty to hold onto the lead.  They still have a healthy lead. 

Point Score Leader (ave):

Mike Krayneski took the lead back after giving it up in Week 5. Matt Burdette showed back up and laid a goose egg!  

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Nick Kelley - Wow!  Wow!  Nick shook something loose and fired in the 30's.  Beats his best of the year by 8 strokes!  Golf is a funny game.  Lowest net of the league for a long, long time. 

12 38 26

Eric Liudahl - Eric gets his 2nd highlighted round of the year.  Although, this time it is one under!  2nd mention in a row, BTW.

4 35 31

Mike Pluta - 2nd mention in a row.  Mike gets his best and first round in the 30's.  Well deserved!

6 37 31

Randy Pierce - This dude is HOT!  2nd mention a row.  2nd time in the 40's.  Keep it up (except for this coming week ;)

15 46 31

Bob Merkley  - Sweet round!  

14 37 33
Low Team:

3 Aces (Nick & Ruben) - Ruben would have had to really screw up to keep that 26 out of the low team!  


Week 10 Results

They said it was the hottest day this year and it was.  The temps were in the mid-90s, but I thought it felt alright.  The huge winds were welcome and helped keep the heat off.  

The games were also HOT!  The regular league players averaged a 36 net!  That is the best of the year.  If you factor in the subs, we averaged a 37 net.  That ties our entire league average.  With the huge winds we had, it is interesting that we shot our best round as a league.  Go figure!

There was one notable round.  Jerry was joined by his son, Jerod.  Jerry did some showing off and shot a scratch, 36!    


Birdies were flying this week.  Four winners!

Week 10 Skins



1st Place

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt)- The dudes got all 6 again and are starting to put some space in between them and the field.  

Point Score Leader (ave):

Matt Burdette did not play and nobody caught up to him.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Randy Pierce - Randy finally shakes it off and has a really nice round.  His first time in the 40s!

15 45 30

Chris Horihan - FINALLY the 30s!  I haven't been in the 30s, since 04-Aug-2021.  Six pars and three bogeys.  Love it!

7 39 32

Jerry Evans - Jerry's 2nd mention in a row.  He is walking it down.  His best round this year and it is a doozy!

3 36 33

Eric Liudahl - Eric and Matt played against us.  Eric's short game was legendary.  Two of his shots would have made ESPN's highlight reel.  Insane!

5 38 33

Matt W., Matt T., Jeff L., Mike P., Roger E., and Chuck  - I told you the scores were low this week!  Well done, boys!

Low Team:

Parsky & Clutch (Chris & Jeff (sub)) - Beautiful rounds!  Both of us in the Hot Sticks.  


Week 9 Results - Position Night

We did it again.  Beautiful day!  Maybe it was a little windy.  I hope it is not the last low humidity day, but summer seems to be trying to work it's way in.  Long term forecasts are for above average temps...  Hopefully, the golf gods continue to keep it nice for us!  

The league average did not fare well (39 net average).  Perhaps the wind.  The greens also seemed a bit faster than usual.  


Only one skin and it goes to no other than Mike!  If he stays on this pace, he is going to get all his golf dues back!  Load up on some cash.  2nd half skin money will be due soon.

Week 9 Skins



1st Place

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt)- The dudes got all 6 on position night and extend their lead.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Matt Burdette takes care of business and improves his average.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Jake Popish - The Achilles. What Achilles? Jack is all better and rocking it. I believe this is the lowest net yet this year.

15 43 28

Rick Derry - Rick gets his best round of the year!  Keep it up!

12 46 34

Matt Burdette - One off scratch.  Matt's best of the year!

2 37 35

Jerry Evans - Mr. Consistent.  38 is no stranger to this man.

3 38 35
Low Team:

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt) & The Ponca Studs (Roger & Rick) - Nice rounds all around for these gents!


Week 8 Results

We hit another top ten day.  Bill Randby was not there, but it was a TOP TEN day!  

The weather, or something else, helped the scores this week.  We tied our best.  37 for the regular players and overall, when you factor in the subs. The "Hot Sticks", below, lists the top 5 nets, that are also 35 or below.  Today, it only fits through 33.  There are 5 others that could have been listed. Keep it up.

Two notable rounds.  Matt Weddell had one par, but managed a scratch round. The remainder was 4 birdies and 4 bogies!  Jeff LaMontagne also had a scratch round - 5 pars and 2 birdies and 2 bogies!


Two skins tonight.  One of Matt's birdies paid off and that puts Matt into 3rd overall. Tim gets his first half money back and some change. Second half funds will be due soon.  JD wasn't playing, but felt compelled to buy a round!  Thanks, Buddy!

Week 8 Skins



1st Place

Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt)- The netheads got only half a point and allow the Dudes to take over the top spot.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Matt Burdette gets it done, while Dan shows up puts out a goose egg..  

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Tim Hanslik - Mr. Modest!  I walk out with Tim and Mike and Tim doesn't even mention how he rocked it for his best this year!

10 40 30

Clark Osborn - Clark's best by 4 strokes!  Very Nice!

10 41 31

Bob Merkley - Boom!  Craig brings out the best in Bob. 

14 46 32

Matt Weddell - Scratch up another great round!

3 36 33

Jeff LaMontagn- Jeff's 3rd mention is a row! It just gets better and better!

3 36 33

Chris Horihan - I had a couple cool holes.  A tap in for my first bird on #9 and then a 60 yard approach on #1 was a swish!  No bounce, straight in the hole.  My first swish! 

7 40 33
Low Team:

Billy! Billy! Billy!  (Bob & Craig) do it without Mike - Weird!  and Parsky & Clutch (Chris & Jeff) -  Smoking rounds


Week 7 Results

The weather snapped back into shape for us this week, making Wednesday the day to play!  Damn near top ten day.  It was gorgeous!

The weather did not help our scores.  We averaged a 39 net for all and 40 for the regular players.    


Four skins earned this week.  Mike is becoming a regular to the list..     

Week 7 Skins



1st Place

NET5 (Jason H. & Matt T.) - The netheads got all 6 and extended their lead.  They have 4 points on 2nd place.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Dan Goaley is doing good and he is not showing up.  

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Jeff LaMontagne - 2nd mention is a row and 2nd score in the 30's.  Keep it rolling!

4 38 34

Mike Krayneski - Mike dropped a triple and still managed to make the "Hot Sticks" list.  Solid!

6 41 35
Low Team:

Billy! Billy! Billy!  (Mike & Bob) and Dude, Whrz the Cart (Jerry & Matt) -  73, ehh!.


Week 6 Results

Well the weather tried to get the best of us.  However, it just missed.  The storms rolled though and only caused a 15 minute delay in our shotgun start.  A bit humid and a couple sprinkles during the round - not too bad.

There was two notable rounds.  Eric and Matt T. both had scratch rounds.  Well done in those wet conditions!

The wetness did not bother the rest of us.  We did much better as a league this week.  We averaged 37 net.  


Three skins on holes 2, 5 and 6.  The Grean Team members both got a skin.  Dean was less than an inch from a hole-in-one (photo below)!  That would have gotten us a round of drinks!   

Dean's Almost Hole-in-One

Week 6 Skins



1st Place

NET5 (Jason H. & Matt T.) - The leading teams struggled this week.  NET5 got 3, but that was enough to hang on to the lead.

Point Score Leader (ave):

We have a tie and it is two guys that didn't show up.  I told you the leaders didn't do well.  Matt Burdette and Dan Goaley are in the top spot.  Mike Krayneski, who was perfect, gets zipped by Ruben.  He is human!  

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Eric Liudahl - 2nd mention in a row.  This dude proves he is back with his first scratch round! 

5 36 31

Dean Bull - Damn good round!  He is flirting with the 30s. Dean's best of the year.

9 40 31

Roger Edgar - Roger's best by 7 strokes!  He scored this well, even with a triple in the mix! 

10 42 32

Matt Tiarks -  2nd mention is a row!  Scratching it!

4 36 32

Jeff LaMontagne - Believe it or not.  Jeff's first round in the 30's.  

5 39 34
Low Team:

The Dead Hookers (Eric & Matt F.)  -  Do it again!  They were low last week!  That is an accomplishment.


Week 5 Results

The golf gods blessed us once again.  Darn near top ten day! 

The average was 39 net again.  Tied the worst round yet.  Handicaps have not adjusted, but I'd expect them to be going up.  Our league average handicap is an 8. 


Our first solo winner came this week. Roger got a par, net birdie on #6.  He wasn't the only one to par, but he was the only one that was getting a stroke.  Two of our higher handicap players, Randy and Chuck, happened to birdie #7 and both thought they had a skin for sure.  However, they cancelled each other out and got nothing but a nice score on that hole!   

Week 5 Skins



1st Place

NET5 (Jason H. & Matt T.) - these two were in the lead in week 2 and have been patiently waiting in the 2nd place.  Barry and Jim (sub) got beat up by a couple of great guys and dropped to 4th.

Point Score Leader (ave): Mike Krayneski does it again and gets his 2 points!   2
Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Eric Liudahl - Finally Eric pulls his head out of his ass and posts a very nice round.  Now, he will have to think of something else to bitch about.. 

5 37 32

Mike Krayneski - Mike's 3rd mention in a row.  This is amazing.  Keep it up! 

7 40 33

Jeff LaMontagne - Jeff also pulled some stuff out of his arse!  Best round of the year for Jeff. 

5 40 35

Matt Tiarks -  Well done!

4 39 35

Mike Pluta - Mike is off to a great start this year with some solid  rounds.  Including this one.

5 40 35
Low Team:

The Dead Hookers (Eric & Matt F.)  -  A couple solid rounds and the Hookers get all 6 points and make it out of the basement.


Week 4 Results

I was absent and I did not get any weather reports.  I think the weather was a bit nastier than the previous weeks, but still tolerable. 

We had one notable round.  A new player, Ryan LaMontagne, shot a scratch round.  The apple didn't fall from the tree here.  Jeff's son is now on the sublist, if you want to give him a try.  

The rest of the league sucked it up.  The average was 39 net.  The worst round yet.


Another two skins week. There was a unannounced sub that caused some issues in Jerry paying out the proper skins.   Please get subs to me prior to the round, or hit the pro shop prior to you round to get it right in the Genius.

Week 4 Skins



1st Place

A-Rods (Barry and Dan) won their round with 4 points and hung on to their lead.

Point Score Leader (ave): Mike Krayneski gets his 2 points and remains flawless.  Barry Phipps laid a turd and fell down to sixth place.  2
Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Mike Krayneski - Mike 2nd mention in a row. Mike's name is all over the place this week.  He has been on a major roll. 

8 39 31

Jason Thiellen - Smoking!!!

5 37 32

Matt Tiarks -  Well done!

4 37 33

Matt Burdette - Great round! 

3 38 35
Low Team:

The Bullcats (JT & Eric S. (sub)) and NET5 (Matt T. & JH)  -  An E&A tie for low net.  Those guys sure have a lot of time to golf!  


Week 3 Results

This week's weather just proves it.  Wednesday is the best day to play.  Tuesday sucked.  Thursday was worse.  Wednesday was incredible.  No wind and a sunny 70 degrees.  I'll take it every week!

The players had another average net of 38.  I think this is justifiable this week. The greens were aerated and they didn't really do a good job of filling them with sand.  The ball was rolling like it was in a pachinko game.  

Weird observation is that there was no team that won 6 points.  Lots of 4 to 2 rounds. 


Only two skins this week!  Bigger payouts for those two.  Well done! Mike was the only par on the number 1 handicap hole and Jason was the only birdie on the par 5, #9.  We had some miscommunication on the participants in the skins game.  From here out the total purse will be $115. 

Week 3 Skins



1st Place

A-Rods (Barry and Dan) did the best of any team this week (5.5) and leap frogged from 3rd place.  You can thank Chuck for taking down NET5 (Jason H. & Matt T.).

Point Score Leader (ave): Barry Phipps and Mike Krayneski are the only remaining souls to be perfect.   2
Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Chuck Shanahan - This guy!  One Fire!  Some historically loud member of our league messed with Chuck during one of his swings keeping him out of the net 20's. 

14 44 30

Dean Bluml - On fire!!!

9 41 32

Mike Krayneski - 5 bogeys and 4 pars, including a skin.  Well done!

8 41 33

Barry (3rd mention), Bob, and Craig- Great rounds!. 


Jason Headley - Solid!

3 38 35
Low Team:

Molasses Brothers (Dennis & Chuck) -  Beat out Mike and Bob, who both listed, to lock in the "low team" of the week.


Week 2 Results

Another beautiful night.  As crazy as the weather has been, the wind settled down and the sun came out.  Wednesday's are awesome!

Even though the weather was nice, we are still working off the cobwebs.    We had another average net of 38.  


Four skins this week!  One repeat - myself (Chris).  On Blue, #3, I FINALLY hit the landing area across from the cart path on top of the hill.  I then poked a nice approach to 8' and sunk the putt.

Week 2 Skins



1st Place

NET5 (Jason H. & Matt T.) are still flawless through week 2.  JD and I gave up a point and slide into 2nd

Point Score Leader (ave):

Seven Players  - 7 have a 2 point average

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Jason Headley - Jerry was blown away in how good Jason and Matt were playing.

4 37 33

Matt Tiarks - On fire!!!

4 38 34

Barry Phipps -  2nd mention in a row.  Barry is on a roll!

4 38 34

Chris Horihan- Thanks for hooking me up with my new irons, Barry!. 

6 40 34

Dan, Mike P., and Dennis - Nice rounds!

Low Team:

NET5 (Jason H. & Matt) -  No surprise here.  The top 2 of the Hot Sticks get the top team.  


Week 1 Results

What a start to the season!  Beautiful night.  A touch breezy, but I'll take it for April.

One notable round.  Barry starts out hot as Spicy Cheetos!  He shot a scratch round.

The rest of us, not our best.  There is a  need for some to shake the dust off.  We had only 3 "hot sticks" (net 35 or less) and an average net of 38.  


Five skins! Only four holes had ties. What are the odds. Two and a half teams makeup the winning group.

Week 1 Skins



1st Place

NET5 (Jason H. & Matt T.) and  Parsky & Clutch (Chris & JD) - both teams are flawless through our first week.

Point Score Leader (ave):

Eleven Players  - 11 of us got all 2 points in the first week.  Nicely done.

Hot Sticks:
Name Hcp Gross Net

Barry Phipps -  Barry hits the highlight reel with a one birdie and one bogey

4 36


Greg Haer - I heard Greg's flat stick was working its magic!. 

10 44 34

John Donovan - After a year off, JD walks in and beats his handicap.

9 44 35
Low Team:

The A-Rods (Barry & Steve (sub)) -  Barry and an 85%'r (new sub) get it done.


Yearly Sheets:

Weekly Sheets:

September 4th, 2024
Final Playoff
August 28th, 2024
Semi-Final Playoff

August 21st, 2024
1st Round Playoff

August 14th, 2024
August 7th, 2024
July 24th, 2024
July 17th, 2024
July 10th, 2024
June 26th, 2024
June 19th, 2024
June 12th, 2024
June 5th, 2024
May 29th, 2024
May 22nd, 2024
May 15th, 2024
May 8th, 2024
May 1st, 2024
April 24th, 2024
April 17th, 2024
April 10th, 2024