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Latest News: 2008 Final Results

Sorry - accidentally blew away the write-up for the final standings. Check out the sheets, that will fill you in...

Here are the proud winners - Mick and Don 2008 Winners

and another pic from the season... An "almost" double eagle by Eric. Eric's near Double Eagle




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Drop Areas:
If your tee shot on either of the holes below is played into the water, you can use the options available under the Water Hazard Rules or use the indicated drop areas.

Hole Drop Area

#3 on Mako
(Red Course)

Drop no closer to hole than the 200 yard marker in the fairway.
#4 on Hammerhead (Blue Course) Drop Area is the Red Tee Box
(keep your pants on and "No, you may not tee it up")
Score Cards 101:

We have two player teams. Write down the visiting team's lowest handicap's name, then the home teams lowest handicap's name. Then do the same for the highest handicaps. If your two players are tied, you make the call before teeing off the first hole. Please write the first and last name for all subs. If they are a new sub, please note that too. After the line-up, all I care about is that you circle the gross hole score of the player who wins the hole (match play) and your total gross score. That is all that is required.

To figure the handicap holes for match play (the hole you give or take strokes), figure the difference of your handicap and your opponent's handicap. Then the higher handicap gets a stroke on that many holes. They get the strokes on the hardest handicapped holes. The handicap for the holes is indicated on the scorecard. The lower the number, the harder the hole. No more than one stroke is given per hole. Nine is our league maximum of stroke for Match Play.

That is all that is required. My software will calculate everything else. I certainly do not mind if you figure out all the points. It allows me to double check the data entry. If you would like a live tutorial, please ask. It only takes a minute, so please ask.