Standard Heating and Air Conditioning

Wednesday Evening Men's Golf League

Latest News:

Animated Ball

Final Results: "My arm feels good!"

1st Place : Chris Horihan and John Baack

2nd Place: Brad Kingsbury and Mark Dynek

3rd Place: Ryan Johnson and Dan Sutton

After an long arduous round, John and I managed to keep our composure long enough to seal the deal on our first title. It was good that we got all 6 points, because Mark and Brad shot lights out. They possibly could have jumped up to first, if we would split points in the right way. None the less, they did have enough to pass Ryan and Dan to finish in second.

Thanks for a wonderful year! One that I'll surely remember. Paul and I wish you the best throughout the winter and please drop Paul an e-mail or give him a phone call to share your thoughts for next year. We'd like opinions on all topics...

Low Nets: - The pressure (or lack of) must have kept the nets up...

Gary Nabity shoots a nice round in the 30's.
Brad Kingsbury has his best round of year.
Mark Dynek also has his best round of the year. Note: 32 was both his gross and net (0 handicap)! Incredible round!
Boyd Long posts a good score trying to get into the money.
Paul Hopkins tried to keep up with Mark and fell short by one stroke. Well done.
John Sabaliauskas Sr, welcome back to the "Latest News".
Mike Young fairs well on his last round.

Lead on Point Scoring List: Mike Christensen averaged 1.5 points per round. He got 75% of all the points he could have, which earned him the point leader honors this year. Very little competition on this race as Mike held the lead for most (if not all) the year.

Previous Announcements:


Score Cards 101:

We have two player teams. Write down the visiting team's lowest handicap's name, then the home teams lowest handicap's name. Then do the same for the highest handicaps. If your two players are tied, you make the call before teeing off the first hole. Please write the first and last name for all subs. If they are a new sub, please note that too. After the line-up, all I care about is that you circle the gross hole score of the player who wins the hole and your total gross score. That is all that is required.

To figure the handicap holes (the hole you give or take strokes), figure the difference of your handicap and your opponent's handicap. Then the higher handicap gets a stroke on that many holes. They get the strokes on the hardest handicapped holes. This is shown on the scorecard. The lower the number, the harder the hole. For an example, Chris is playing Brent on the front at Pac' Springs. Chris is a 9 and Brent is a 15. Brent would be receiving 6 strokes. He would get them on holes, 3, 5, 2, 6, and 4. If Brent had a 20 handicap, he would only get one stroke for each hole. Nine is our league maximum of stroke for Match Play.

That is all that is required. my software will figure everything else out. I certainly do not mind if you figure all the points out. It allows me to double check my data entry. If you would like a live tutorial, please ask. There are many that know how to do it, or they will point you to someone who does. It only takes a minute, so please ask.

Handicap Ruling:

We are using 35 as the number for par in computing handicaps. How does that affect you. It doesn't, unless you are playing against a person that doesn't have a handicap. In that case, use 35 for the number to subtract from the gross score and take 85% of that number. Round up to the next integer, if remainder is equal or over .5 (i.e. 9.50 would give you a handicap of 10).

League Rules for 2-Holes: Drop Areas at Tiburon

If your tee shot on either of the holes below is played into the water and the point of entry is directly in front of the tee box, use the drop area indicated below. If the point of entry is further than the drop area indicated below you can use the options available under the Lateral Water Hazard Rules or the drop area.

#3 Mako (Red) -->Drop Area is the 200 yard marker in the fairway

#4 Hammerhead (Blue) --> Drop Area is the Red Tee Box

Weekly Sheets:

  • Score Log* - List of weekly gross scores and handicap for everyone.
    • Note: The handicap is figured on this sheet. It takes the last five scores and tosses out the high score and the low score and averages the three remaining scores and then subtracts 35 from the average and multiplies that result by 0.85. Formula ---> ((S2+S3+S4)/3)-35)*0.85.
