Standard Heating and Air Conditioning

2005 Wednesday Men's Golf League

Old News:

Animated Ball

Final Standings:

First Place: Brad Kingbury and Mark Dynek

Second Place: Scott Bornes and Aaron Bornes

Third Place: Dave Engdahl and Nick Kelly

The Bornes Cousins were able to hop off of Chris and John and pass up Dave and Nick on their way to second place.

Lead on Point Scoring List: Mark Dynek took the honors. Nice scores this year, Mark!

Week 20 Results:

Low nets: Some good battles this week. For the low net this week, we have Aaron Bornes. Aaron shot his career round of scratch 35 (first time in the 30's this season) for a net 28. This paved the way to their clinching of second place. Jerry Bogelt also shot a 28 net. Jay Zesiger and Craig Howell shot 29 net. Four people in the 20's - All at Pacific.

Thanks for a wonderful season!

Previous Announcements:

Sub List is out!

The long awaited sub list has hit the street. Its permanent home will be down below in the "Weekly Sheets" section (it is there now). This sub list has all the subs that indicated that they want to play. Feel free to call and ask if they can fill in, when you need them. If you know one of the subs and he'd like to play more often, fire me an e-mail or call with his contact info.

Handicap Ruling:

We are using 35 as the number for par in computing handicaps. How does that affect you. It doesn't, unless you are playing against a person that doesn't have a handicap. In that case, use 35 for the number to subtract from the gross score and take 85% of that number. Round up to the next integer, if remainder is equal or over .5 (i.e. 9.50 would give you a handicap of 10).

League Rules for 2-Holes: Drop Areas at Tiburon

If your tee shot on either of the holes below is played into the water and the point of entry is directly in front of the tee box, use the drop area indicated below. If the point of entry is further than the drop area indicated below you can use the options available under the Lateral Water Hazard Rules or the drop area.

#3 Mako (Red) -->Drop Area is the 200 yard marker in the fairway

#4 Hammerhead (Blue) --> Drop Area is the Red Tee Box

Weekly Sheets:


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